Building on the topic of Responsible AI in a previous issue, we share this summary study that examines the practical dimension of driving responsible AI as practitioners and corporations. (Fair warning: you will have to create an account to view the whole article; we find MIT Sloan's Management Review one of the best resources in the field.) A survey of key stakeholders in AI/ML projects demonstrated the immature approach that many organizations deploy today, since KPIs tilt toward productivity and revenue instead of risk mitigation, reputational harm, and compliance needs. It is clear that implementing successful programs for responsible use of AI will require cross-functional engagement from a diverse set of departments, including not just technical teams and business owners but also legal, communications, and human resources. As these collaborations mature, systematic approaches and solutions that enable transparency into AI's black box will emerge that will replace the crude hand-off of a screenshot of a suspect transaction, an example reported in the background study.